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Film Crew & Sound: Lisa Walker, Mark Hentges, Zach Nelson, Lance Lundstrom, Chase Hentges, Nate Peterson
NEED’s first-ever music event proved an event worth repeating. The concert brought together NEED readers, music lovers and 12 bands. This unique night of music yielded nearly $5,000 in donations to help street kids in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Although inclement weather resulted in a last-minute venue change from Peavey Plaza to Hell’s Kitchen in downtown Minneapolis, turnout and energy remained high. Undeterred, Twin Cities musicians performed back-to-back sets of acoustic and a cappella music. The Hell’s Kitchen staff was extremely accommodating in allowing all the musical acts onto their stage and housing the large crowd that attended.
The eclectic sounds of the evening ranged from the soulful vocals of Sounds of Blackness to Wookiefoot’s Mark Murphy’s quirky acoustics. Along with raising awareness and donations for street kids, the event provided a great opportunity for local musicians to get their music heard by a spirited audience.
Those who attended had a chance to pick up free copies of NEED magazine and to donate to the Nurani Insani School for Street Kids. To add to the atmosphere, children from Youth Performance Company dressed as street children. Following a bagpiper as he paraded around downtown, the children handed out flyers for the event and then milled around Hell’s Kitchen accepting donations in cups. Hell’s Kitchen served a beverage called “Jakarta River Water.” A portion of the drink’s sales were donated to the Nurani Insani school.
"The Man's" corporate propaganda (aka advertising) or Cool stories of people saving the world?
The Win, Win ... You subscribe to NEED magazine, we celebrate how you are saving the world and together we assist those in need.
With the successful completion of this campaign, NEED magazine will eliminate all commercial advertising for one year (thus screwing the man) and replace the allocated advertising pages with stories of how readers are involved in saving the world.
... and Win To reward your efforts to "Screw the Man" NEED is offering new subscribers the opportunity to "Save the World." For every 5,000 subscribers, a drawing will be held to send one on a FREE 10-day expedition to Central America with PLAY it Forward Adventures.
Help us reach our goal of 25,000 new subscribers. Your subscription to NEED magazine helps to eliminate commercial advertising and automatically enters you to win a vacation.